Your eyes open to nothing.
White as far as you can see.
Not a single sound penetrates the silence, save for your own breathing.
You should probably figure out what's happening.
You attempt to take a step forward.
Okay, you're on solid ground.
This place feels endless. There's no shadows or corners to speak of. You might be dead. This is probably hell.
Hmm. On second thought.

Not likely.
Well, let's think. What do you remember last? It's a little foggy if you're being honest.
You should probably start with something simple.
What was your name again? |_____________
Right. It's SPADES. You don't know if it's always been that way, but that's how you know it now. You pat yourself down and check your bag on impulse. Nothing other than some breathmints and your wallet. You swear there should be more stuff in here.

Anywho. Not important right now. You begin to take a stroll around, evaluating your surroundings. You're dressed for winter, and yet none of it feels stuffy.
It's not too cold, not too hot. It's perfectly still. The lack of an echo still creeps you out, if you're being honest. Couldn't hurt to try screaming.
No response. Welp. Except for a-

You turn around.